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Rules of Racing

We keep it pretty simple, have fun, be safe, respect each other. Below is a short list of our guidelines.

  1. Keep it Family Friendly
    1. We have our future generation of racers with us, ALWAYS ensure that you are setting a great example for how to race.
  2. Safety Comes First
    1. At all times, whether racing or while enjoying the vibes and waiting for your event.
  3. Race Fair
    1. This is a training race. Nobody here is competing for the Olympics or next World Cup. Aggressive or dangerous racing will not be allowed and should be reported to the race director. Any disputes should be brought to race admin during the protest periods following your race.
  4. Helmets Required
    1. A Helmet for all racers and trail sweeps is 100% absolutely REQUIRED. No exceptions, if you are riding the trail while we are racing you must wear a helmet.
  5. Correct # Plate Placement
    1. The plate must be outside the cables, not bent, folded or altered in any way. Incorrect number plate mounting can result in disqualification or voided times.
  6. NO Pre-Riding While Other Races Are In Progress
    1. It’s about respecting other participants while their race is in progress. If you are caught or reported as riding during another event then you will be disqualified (DSQ) from your event. No series points are awarded for a DSQ.
  7. Results Post Race
    1. Results should arrive via email to the registered address. Otherwise you will find a link to results on all DFW Series Racing social media pages.
  8. Did Not Finish?
    1. If you are unable to finish the race (DNF) please check in with Race HQ before leaving. This helps us ensure that all riders are accounted for at the end of the event.
  9. Be Helpful
    1. DFW Series events are volunteer driven. Please stay after awards to help us clean up post race by picking up stakes, tearing down marking tape, cleaning up trash. We appreciate your support.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there On-Site registration?
    • We STRONGLY discourage on-site registration and HEAVILY encourage pre-registration online. For weeknight races, You can save significantly by registering each week before Monday at Midnight. Race-Day registration is available online until 3pm. Registering after 3pm on Race Day is available at the timing and admin teams discretion. On-Site registration disrupts our team’s ability to properly host the races.
  • Are there Age-Groups?
    • No. The DFW Series competes on skills-based categories. Beginner, Intermediate or Elite. You will most likely find that age has little to do with ability and skill. Enter the category that best fits your current fitness and skill level and then send it against the rest of your group.
    • We do break down the results for Men’s Beginner, Intermediate and Elite results into age groups but we only do awards and points based on skill based categories.
  • Can I just ride with the group and not register?
    • No. The DFW Series operates a closed course for race members only. This is for safety and insurance requirements. Parents of junior racers are the sole exception to this rule. Parents are encouraged to follow their juniors during the junior race as a “Parental Support Vehicle”. We want all of our juniors to feel confident and comfortable when they race with us and we feel that is best done through parental support.
  • Can I pre-ride the course?
    • Yes. Pre-rides are available until 5:55pm on race day. Once the first race starts each night pre-riding will be absolutely not allowed. Anyone caught pre-riding on a closed course will be disqualified for the event.
  • What happens if we get rain prior to the race?
    • The DFW Series makes every attempt to make weather announcements as early as possible. Many times that may be day-of. When a weather event occurs we will notify all registered racers with an email. For the most up-to-date weather information follow our Facebook page at
  • The race was cancelled, what do I do?
    • See our Rain-Out Guarantee :
      • In the event of a cancellation all registered participants will be moved to the next race. If the registered participant is already in the next race you will be moved to the next race.
      • If the next race does not work, send an email to our admin team and request a date change.
      • If you would like a refund, send an email and request a refund.
  • Can I move my registration to a different race?
    • Yes as long as that request is made via email and is sent prior to NOON on Thursday (race day).
  • What happens if I register for a race but end up not making it.
    • We make every effort to accommodate changes in schedule and race entry. Please notify us of any changes needed before NOON on Thursday (race day). All events are non-refundable after this point.